Saturday, February 4, 2012

9500 Liberty

During the movie 9500 Liberty I really appreciated what Annabel Park and Eric Byler did.  Prince William County reminded me a lot of Goshen, Indiana and I think it is important as either white or Latino to be able to take something away from their situation.  Racism and racial profiling is still a large problem, but I connected with what the people did to stand up for what they believed and tell their board what they really thought.  If people would not have stood up to the blatant racism things could have gotten much worse for the county.  We should take a note from Prince William County and realize that immigration actually helps support our economy.  I think the movie did a great job showing what can happen to a community when a large majority of its population is forced out.  The movie also did a great job showing a Latino's perspective.  Finding work and being able to support a family is something everyone that has a family should be able to identify with.